Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dia De Los Muertos

Sheesh! Can you believe it's already October? Where does the time creep off to? Well the start of October can only mean one thing. The fast and furious dance with a deadline. Why I always wait until the last minute is one of life's little mysteries that I can't seem to solve. I started the Altar piece in July-August by finally ordering the balloons I am using. I even had the guys blow some of them up and well I have 9 of them papermached and awaiting a second layer. That's as far as I've gotten. Now, my mind has drawn a blank and I've been scouring the ends of the earth for inspiration. I only have until the 15Th before the piece has to be signed,sealed,and delivered to the Gallery. Oh, Calgon take me away! I don't know which is worse,Writers block or Artists block? I'll post photos as things progress and knowing how I am they'll be posted next Easter or something.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ostrich Festival 2008

These pictures are of the Ostrich I did for Chandler's Ostriches on Parade. They were displayed in Down Town Chandler in honor of the annual Ostrich Festival. The piece I did was called "In Frida's Garden". When I saw my ostrich for the first time her face reminded me of Frida Kahalo's. It took several tries and just as many white washings of the poor bird to finally get the garden right. My favorite part of the piece were the hummingbirds. I was very honored to have been given the opportunity to do something for the community.

Ostrich Festival 2008


I can't believe it is almost August and I'm just now posting pictures of last years Dia de Los Muertos exhibit. It's now time to start planning my piece for this years exhibit. I will be doing just 1 piece and that will be for Vision Gallery. I got an invitation to do ASU's as well,but I didn't understand their theme this year and I just didn't want to think that hard. The piece for Visions should keep me plenty busy. This year I am going with a Tree of Life/Death theme. I was in the hospital in ICU for a week and one thought had come to mind. Do we chase Death or does Death chase us? Just a thought to ponder. I really don't take much in the way of pictures of my pieces and I really should. I will try to committ to taking pictures from start to finish of this years piece. I have no excuse that there isn't enough time because I will be off work until at least September 15th. The piece I did was in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness. I included the names of both men and women that had survived and lost their battle against the disease. There were more than 100 names that were left in a vase for me to add. I had left cards for those who felt so moved to leave the name of thier loved ones to be added to the piece. I was really moved when people approached me and told me how the piece made them feel.It seemed as though everyone at some point has been touched by this horrible disease.

Dia De Los Muertos 2007

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Where Does time go?

Ok so it's been four months since my last post and I still don't have the DDLM pix up either. Sheesh, where is my head? OK don't answer that. Well since it's a new year I have new goals (I don't call them resolutions. The only resolve I have is to never drink Long Island Iced Tea's again) A few of them involve Writing and Art. Why are these things always great in theory,but then I sit at the computer or in my art studio and my muse flatlines. I remember reading about an artist who could create like mad and one day she decided to quit drinking. After she dried out she could no longer create. She'd sit and wait,but it was never the same. Maybe my muse needs VODKA! Because if she got any drier she'd be a sandpaper doll.